Important Dates

Invited Speakers

Keynote Address 1

Topic: Sustainability - Concept and development

Mr. Md. Khan, Sr. Consultant, NIRDPR, MoRD, Govt. of India

Panel Discussion 1

Topic: Perspectives on Sustainable Technologies

Srinivas Cherla Director - Sustainability, Research and Innovation Circle Hyderabad (RICH)
Saurav Choudhury Architect and Urban Planner, CII, Counsellor IGBC
Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka International Consultant on Sustainability, Environment and Climate Change
Prashant Lingam Co-founder. Bamboo House India

Keynote Address 2

Topic: SDGs in Engineering and Innovations

Mr. Rahul Bhardwaj, BVCSRB, Head of CSRB

Panel Discussion 2

Topic: Role of Multidisciplinary Engineering towards addressing UN SDGs

Mr. Md. Sohel Khan Lead - Grassroots Innovations -TSIC, Govt. of Telangana
Mr.Pranav Hebber Founder Uttunga Ventures, Social Entrepreneur
Dr.Hafeez Basha CEO, OU, Technology Business Incubator
Mrs. Annie Vijaya CEO, Atal Community Incubation Center (ACIC), CBIT